Car Cover
Unsere 3 Car Cover-Qualitäten im Überblick:
Classic Car Cover
- Bietet optimalen Schutz gegen Staub, Schmutz, Sand, Baumharz, Vogelkot usw.
- Das atmungsaktive Material (100% Polyester) ist strapazierfähig und reißfest – und bei Bedarf sogar maschinenwaschbar.
- Sicherer Halt: Die eingenähten Gummizüge vorn & hinten bieten einen stabilen Halt der Autoschutzdecke am Fahrzeug. Der mitgelieferte Unterbodengurt hält zusätzlich.
- Einfache & schnelle Montage – von nur einer Person. Eine Abdeckung für den täglichen Gebrauch.
- Ein praktischer Rucksack hilft zum Verstauen.
Eigenschaften auf einen Blick:
Weiches Material
Schutz gegen Vogeldreck
Schutz gegen Baumharz
Soft Indoor Car Cover
- Schützen Sie Ihr Lieblingsstück vor Staub und Schmutz in der Garage und erhalten Sie so seinen Wert! Unsere Vollgarage eignet sich durch seine Langlebigkeit auch perfekt zum Überwintern.
- Hochwertiges Material: Das seidig glänzende, atmungsaktive Polyester unserer Autogarage passt sich durch seine spezielle Webart den Konturen Ihres Wagens an. Weiches und leichtes Material schützt den Lack Ihres Fahrzeugs.
- Sicherer Halt: Die eingenähten Gummizüge vorn & hinten bieten einen stabilen Halt der Autoschutzdecke am Fahrzeug.
- Einfache Aufbewahrung: Die Ganzgarage wird zum einfachen Verstauen in einer praktischen Aufbewahrungstasche geliefert und ist maschinenwaschbar.
Eigenschaften auf einen Blick:
Weiches Material
Premium Outdoor Car Cover
- Unsere Car Cover Outdoor Premium schützen Ihr Fahrzeug optimal vor Witterungseinflüssen. Sie sind wasserabweisend konstruiert und innen mit einem besonders soften Layer kaschiert. Diese weiche und lackschonende Vlies Lage ist sanft zum Lack und sorgt für einen besonders effektiven Schutz. Unsere Car Cover Outdoor Premium sind mit Lüftungsschlitzen versehen und punkten durch ihre einfache Handhabung. Die schnelle Befestigung wird durch die eingearbeiteten Gummizüge gewährt. Der Unterbodengurt gibt zusätzlichen Halt, wenn es nötig ist. Er wird einfach mit einem Schnappverschluss fixiert und hält auch Wind und Sturm stand. Unsere Ganzgarage Outdoor Premium kommt in einer praktischen Aufbewahrungstasche. Diese Autoabdeckung ist nicht für Fahrzeuge mit einem Stoffverdeck geeignet.
Eigenschaften auf einen Blick:
Schutz gegen Vogeldreck
Schutz gegen Baumharz
Weiches Material
Our car covers are available for many models and in four different qualities.
How do you find the right car cover? First, select a full garage to match your vehicle by clikcing on the car type in the menu. The available items are displayed so that you can choose the right car cover for your purpose.
Whether for indoor use or outdoor car cover - we have the right folding garage for you.
Our qualities at a glance:
1. Car Cover Basic -> Basic Protection Indoor/Outdoor
2. Car Cover Indoor Soft -> Premium Soft
3. Car Cover Outdoor -> Basic Protection
4. Car Cover Outdoor Premium -> Soft Layer
Learn more abour our Car Covers!
1. Car Cover Basic -> Basic Protection Indoor/Outdoor
Our car cover Basic is suitable for use indoors and outdoors ant protects as a full garage from dirt, dust and external influences such as bird droppings and flower pollen. These car covers are water resistant and tear resistant. The very light and soft material is ideal for the protection of your laquer. These car covers are easy to use. They can be fastened quickly and easily by using elastic bands, which are incorporated in the front and back hem. An additional suppurt is provided by the bottom belt, which is operated with a snap closure and additionally holds the car cover. This additional protection is recommended for outdoor use.
The car cover basic car covers are delivered together with the bottom belt with snap locks and apractical storage back.
This car cover is not suitable fot vehicles with a soft top.
2. Car Cover Indoor -> Soft
Our indoor car covers premium soft are designed as a garage for the protection against soiling in the garage. Their matreial ist very soft and pleasant to the touch. It has a silky shine and emphasizes the contours of a car that waits in the garage for its next turn or next season. An indoor car cover premium soft is ideal to protect the interiour of a collector´s item from touch, scratches and fingerprints. Dust does obviously not have a chance to settle on your car. These car covers are breathable, tear resistant and elastic at the same time. They can be gently washed. The double-sewn rubber bands in the front and rear area also ensure a very easy handling. Its high stretchability, its low moisture absorption and its long-lasting form make this car cover extra special. The delivery is inclusive of the storage case.
3. Car Cover Outdoor -> Basic Protection
Our outdoor garages have been specifically designed for outdoor use. They provide optimum protection against animal droppings, tree resin and dirt. These car covers can be fastened quickly and easily, which is a real plus, especially when used outddors. Here it is again the elastic bands that are inserted in the hem, which makes the handling so comfortable. A ar cover with Basic Protection is water repellent. They are supplied with a bottom belt which is closed with a snap closure. They offer an additional support. If you do not need your car cover, just stow it in the supplied storage back.
These car covers are not suitable for vehicles with a soft top.
4. Car Cover Outdoor Premium -> Soft layer
Our car cover outdoor premium protect your vehicle from weather influences. They are designed to be water-repellent and lined with a particularly soft layer on the inside. This soft and laquer-protecting non-woven layer is gentle to the laquer and ensures a particularly effective protection. Our car cover outdor premium are equipped with ventilation slots and are easy to handle. The quick fastening is povided by the elastic bands. The bottom belt provides extra support when needed. It is simply fixed with a snap closure and also stops wind and storm. Our outdoor premium car park comes in a practical storage case.
This car cover is not suitable fot vehicles with a soft top.
Do you have any questions about our car covers? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help you.